DLEC Scholarship Opportunity

Scholarship Application Form

Denise Louie Education Center (DLEC) hopes to offer two $1000 scholarships to former DLEC students who are pursuing higher education. This scholarship highlights the educational foundation students build with the DLEC community.

DLEC Scholarship Criteria

The criteria will be as follows:
  • Must be able to document their relationship to DLEC
  • Must be attending or applying to college or post-secondary training program, or in college or post-secondary training program (e.g. trade school)
  • Submit a completed application form. An interview might be requested upon receiving your application.

Deadline for Submission is February 28, 2025.

If you have any questions or want a fillable PDF form, please email jtieu@deniselouie.org or call (206) 347-6627.
Year(s) Enrolled at Denise Louie Education Center:
Attended Which Denise Louie Education Center(s)?
What Degree, Certificate or Diploma do you hope to earn?