Get answers to Denise Louie Education Center’s frequently asked questions.
DLEC Enrollment FAQs
How much does preschool at Denise Louie Education Center Head Start program cost?
Nothing! Our preschool classes and all of our activities are free to all families with a child enrolled at Head Start.
What age does my child need to be to be eligible for Head Start?
Children must be 3 or 4 years old by or on the school cutoff date (August 31st). That means that if your child will turn 5 before or on August 31st of the school year for which you are applying, they will need to register for Kindergarten. If your child turns 3 after August 31st you can apply on or after their birthday.
What if my child is 2? Can he/she still attend?
We can accept an application for a 2.7 -year-old if he/she will be 3 before or on August 31st of the school year for which they are applying. If they will turn 3 after August 31st, you can complete an application for them as soon as they turn 3.
What is the income guideline to be eligible for Head Start?
When determining program eligibility Head Start compares before-tax income to the income guidelines which depend on family size issued each year by the Federal government. “Family” includes all individuals related to the child’s parent by blood, adoption or marriage who are currently living in the home and are supported by the income of the child’s parent or guardian.
Families that are at or less than the listed gross income for their family size are income eligible for Head Start. Some children who are slightly above these income guidelines (up to 130% of the guideline) may be accepted if there are still spots available after all income eligible children are enrolled.
What if my family is over the income limit?
Head Start was created to help children and families based on their need. That means that families at or below the income guidelines and children with Individual Education Plans (IEP) are enrolled first. However, if we continue to have spots open after income eligible children are accepted, we then offer those spots to children from families that are slightly above the income guidelines (up to 130%) with the greatest need.
Children who have an IEP may be considered for enrollment independent of the family’s income. Placement at Head Start will depend on the decision of the IEP team which includes the parents.
We also have other program options for families who are not income eligible for Head Start.
ECEAP (up to 200% income guidelines)
SPP (Seattle Preschool Program)
Private Pay Slots
Is my child eligible since my family receives food stamps?
Being a recipient of Food stamps doesn’t mean your child is automatically eligible—Head Start income guidelines are different than for other programs. The surest way to know if you are eligible is to complete the application and meet with our ERSEA Coordinator.
What if the child’s biological parents don’t live with him/her?
You can still fill out an application. We can discuss the requirements more fully with you when you meet with our ERSEA Coordinator to address your specific situation.
When do classes start and can we still apply if the school year has already started?
Our school schedule aligns with Seattle Public School District. The school year begins in September and ends in June. We have open enrollment and accept children throughout the school year when spots are available.
What is the preschool schedule like?
We have several different schedule options at most centers.
- Beacon Hill: Monday – Thursday starts at 9:00am and is out by 3:00pm (6hrs)
- Beacon Hill: Monday – Thursday starts at 8:00am and is out by 11:30am (3.5hrs)
- Beacon Hill: Monday – Thursday starts at 12:00am and is out by 4:00am (3.5hrs)
- Beacon Hill: Monday- Friday starts at 8:00am and is out by 2:30pm (6hrs)
- Yesler Terrace: Monday – Friday starts at 7:00am and is out by 6:00pm (11hrs)
- Yesler Terrace: Monday – Thursday starts at 8:30am and is out by 2:30pm (6hrs)
- Yesler Terrace: Monday – Thursday starts at 9:00am and is out by 3:00 PM (6hrs)
- Magnuson Park: Monday – Friday starts at 8:30 am and is out by 2:30pm (6hrs)
An Extended day schedule is available at 2 of our centers.
- Beacon Hill: Monday – Fridays from 7:00 am until 6:00 pm (10 hours)
- Magnuson Park: Monday – Fridays from 7:00 am until 6:00 pm (10 hours)
I completed the online application weeks ago and still haven’t heard anything. What now?
An application isn’t complete until you’ve met with our ERSEA Coordinator and turned in your income information and your child’s birth certificate, immunization and medical insurance card. Please email enroll@deniselouie.org. to set an appointment with an ERSEA Coordinator.
If you’ve done all of that and still haven’t heard anything, please call the ERSEA Coordinator you met with to find out the status of your child’s application.
I completed the application and my child was not accepted this year but is on the wait-list. Do I need to complete another application for next year?
Yes. Your application is only good for the school year for which you applied and must be resubmitted yearly. This is to ensure that we continue to serve the children with the greatest needs as family situations change.
My child is currently enrolled. Do I need to complete another application for next year?
Yes. A re-enrollment application must be resubmitted yearly. We will not need to re-verify your income eligibility if your child completes the school year and you were income eligible for the current year.
When do you start taking applications for the next school year?
February 1. We take applications for a school year from February 1 to January 31.
What is the wait-list and how does it work?
Everyone that applies to Denise Louie Education Center goes on a wait-list to be considered for enrollment. Placement on the wait-list is not based on first come-first served. It is need-based and depends on the family’s and child’s individual needs as determined during the application process.
During the summer months, we start placing the children with the greatest need to start in the fall. Then, as spots become available during the school year, due to children moving or otherwise leaving the program, we enroll the next child on the wait-list with the greatest need.
Does needs-based mean that my child’s position on the wait-list isn’t based on when I apply?
Yes, that’s exactly what it means. Depending on your family and child’s individual needs you may be placed on the wait-list before someone who applied before.
Do you provide transportation?
No, we don’t provide transportation. We only provide UBER and LIFT transportation services to our enrolled homeless families.
What if I have more questions?
If you have any other questions, feel free to talk to a ERSEA Coordinator or Family Service Specialist, or call our Administrative Office at (206) 767-8223 EXT. ENROLLMENT.