2024 Dinner and Auction

Thank you so much to our 2024 Dinner & Auction guests, volunteers, donors, and sponsors! We celebrated 46 years of early learning service, our scholarship winners, and our Dream Award winners! We raised over $203,000 with all of your support! What’s even more incredible is the level of engagement among our attendees – over 97% of guests participated, whether by bidding or making donations. We could not have done this without you! Your support and enthusiasm makes all the difference.

If you are still feeling inspired from the event and want to watch the video again, make a donation, or even volunteer more of your time, please do not hesitate to contact jtieu@deniselouie.org at any time.

Auction Catalog: Check out this year’s Auction Program Catalog HERE!

Dream Award video: youtu.be/qYDgWi2_oCE

Donation Link: deniselouie.org/give/donate/

Thank you for being a vital part of our community and mission!

For questions, please contact:

Jennifer Tieu
Development Assistant

We are so grateful for our 2024 Sponsors!

Thank you to our Individual 2024 Auction Donors!

Jennie Cochran-Chinn, Christina Congdon, Sophia Demco, Nikki Huang, Jon Kong, Mitzi Moore, Mai Nguyen, Steve Nguyen, Gee Scott, Derek Tsuchida, Sinan Li & Zijiang Wilson Yang, Susan Yang, Judy Yu

Thank you to our 2024 Auction Donors!